Location: Atwater Soccer Complex
Fee (Resident/Non-Resident): $20.00 / $30.00
Start Date: 12/27/2023
End Date: 02/16/2024
Sat 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Type: Youth Sports Program
Status: Canceled
Resident Registration Period: 12/27/2023 6:00:00 AM - 2/16/2024 11:59:00 PM
Non-Resident Registration Period: 12/27/2023 6:00:00 AM - 2/16/2024 11:59:00 PM
Age: 7 - 8
Gender: Coed
Class Capacity: 0 - 20
Registrants: 21
Waitlist Count: 25
Soccer is a great way for young athletes to stay active while learning how to be successful in a team environment. All divisions emphasize individual skill development, sportsmanship, and fun. Practices will be held on weekday eve-nings and games will be played on Saturdays. Some competitive leagues will require limited travel to neighboring localities. Soccer typically requires an eight-week commit-ment from parents and players.
Limited financial aid is available for qualifying families. An Authorization of Services form from the Social Services Depart-ment must be presented in order to be eligible for fee waiver. Please note that financial fee waivers must be completed in person at the Hopewell Community Center. Eligibility paperwork will not be accepted after the registration deadline.
I hereby acknowledge and agree that there is the potential for risk of injury by my/my child’s participation in this event, and I knowingly and voluntarily assume all risk associated therewith. I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Hopewell, its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims of liability for injury to person or property, foreseeable and unforeseeable, which I/my minor child may sustain as a result of, or in any way connected with, my/my minor child’s use of any City of Hopewell facility, or participation in any activity, program conducted, hosted, or sponsored by the City of Hopewell. If any provision of this application is held void or of no effect by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder shall be effective to the extent permitted under Virginia law.
Photos and Video: The City of Hopewell reserves the right to use any photo or video taken of any person participating in a City-sponsored program or event for future publication.
Player, Parent, and Coaches Code of Conduct
-I will promote good sportsmanship by respecting all players, parents, coaches, and officials at all times.
-I will assist with maintaining a healthy and safe playing environment.
-I will respect personal property of other and all recreation and parks facilities/equipment.
-I will control my emotions at all times in order to set a good example for players, parents, and coaches.
-I will refrain from using profanity or obscene language.
-I will refrain from any unethical behavior that would provide an unfair advantage during competition.
-I understand that a parent or guardian must be present at all practices and games in case of an emergency.
I understand that failure to abide by these guidelines may result in suspension or termination from the league. Length of suspensions or decision to terminate will be based on the severity of the infraction and determined by the league coordinator.
The contact will be automatically added to the class as a registrant if someone drops out from a full class.